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New Discoveries Aid Stroke Treatment

The new discoveries increase as biologists, educators, and scientists venture into cardiac – or rather, neurotic – subjects in search of better ways to treat stroke patients.

Reverse engineering has always been an inexpensive approach to finding a cure for almost anything. In the. Industry, where programmers infiltrate systems, create better applications, find solutions to computer problems, or simply infect malware such as viruses and worms.

Scientists have used this ancient approach to find an antidote to the deadly virus. It is now being used to improve stroke therapy. You can also check online to get more information about stem cell therapy for stroke recovery.

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Breakthroughs in understanding the ability of the nervous system to adapt to change are increasing, making rehabilitation after a stroke an exciting time.

Neuroscientists at UC Irvine Medical Center have just completed research on how to repair damaged brain cells by reversing stroke symptoms.

Neuroscientists discovered a growth factor that triggers the growth of neural stem cells and applied it to 15 stroke patients who were found to have escaped injury even after three months of testing.

The study is still in another stage of safety testing and 15 stroke patients have passed stage IIa. There are still many years of clinical development to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of this route to a new therapy.

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