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A Guide To Creating Your Family Tree Concept Map

There are many steps involved in creating content for your blog post or website – planning out the topic you want to cover, doing research on related topics so that you have sources lined up in advance, and structuring your article so that it flows from point to point. 

If you're looking to research your family history, a family tree concept map can be an indispensable tool. Here's how to create one:

Creating a family tree concept map is an excellent way to organize your thoughts and ideas about your family history. Concept maps are visual representations of complex information, so they can be an effective way to learn and remember information. Here’s how to make a concept map:

1. Start by drawing a blank sheet of paper and divide it into four quadrants. Label the quadrants with the following terms: Ancestors, Descendants, Connections, and Ideas.

2. In the Ancestors quadrant, draw a picture or diagram of your family’s ancestry. Include all of your ancestors- both direct and indirect- on this diagram. You may want to include pictures, dates, and other information about each ancestor.

3. In the Descendants quadrant, draw a picture or diagram of your family’s descendants. Include all of your descendants- both direct and indirect- on this diagram. You may want to include pictures, dates, and other information about each descendant.

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