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Simple Email Management With Microsoft Outlook

If you have an email inbox like mine, I can understand why you are reluctant to open Microsoft Outlook every morning. We don't view email management as an essential part of our management duties. The truth is that the more time you spend on a computer, opening emails from God knows where and the like, the better. 

Although email has become part of our business culture, it can also be a nuisance that takes up precious time and is becoming a norm. If you want to get full information, then you can visit our website

However, these tips can be applied to any email program.

Step 1.

Outlook is always in my calendar view. This allows me to see the day ahead and not be distracted by emails all day. I have also turned off the email notifier.

Step 2.

I set aside certain times each day to check my emails. It is a waste of time and money for your company to check your email every hour. Research shows that 4x per day is the best time to check your email.

Step 3.

My goal is to keep my inbox clean. This means that you should only respond to each message once. You must read the email and decide whether it should be deleted or filed. If it is urgent, you need to reply to it. You can tell which emails are junk by the subject line. 



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