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Know About Pediatric Physical Therapy Services

Pediatric physical therapy services are intended to treat congenital disorders, non-congenital disorders, and even developmental delays in children. Pediatric physical therapy is helpful in detecting children's health problems in the early stages. 

Pediatric therapists specialize in diagnosing, treating, and monitoring infants and children who have developmental, congenital, skeletal, and neuromuscular diseases. You can also find more about physical therapy services through

This type of treatment focuses primarily on improving coordination and balance, motor skills, endurance, and strength. It also aims to improve processing / integration at the cognitive and sensory level.

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This includes developmental milestones such as standing, sitting, walking, and crawling. Reputable healthcare centers make sure they have the best therapists who are licensed and experienced to provide pediatric physical therapy services.

The duration of treatment varies in children. Children who are reluctant to walk or those with injuries may only need short-term physical therapy treatment.

Torticollis, cerebral palsy, and spina bifida, which are diseases found in children, are effectively treated with physical therapy treatments. Torticollis is a condition in which the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck is shortened.

This condition will result in limited neck movement. There are effective exercises and techniques to treat this condition. Spina bifida, a neural tube defect that affects children, is also effectively treated by physical methods.

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder seen in babies. This disorder can permanently affect muscle coordination and body movement. A therapy program is one of the proven methods of treating this condition.

Some of the main services that pediatric physical therapy centers provide are neurodevelopmental training, early intervention, sensory integration, myofascial release, splints and casts, functional mobility, urinary incontinence treatment, pain management, electrical stimulation, and hippotherapy.

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