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Top 4 Table Tent Design Ideas for Innovative Marketing

Brisbane commercial printers

That menu you saw kept on the table during your last visit to a restaurant or a café. You still remember its design and beauty. This confirms that tent cards are here to make a difference. Marketing people know how an innovative design can help deliver a lasting impression on customers. Well, that’s not the only way you can use a table tent card to boost your brand’s visibility. Here are some eye-catching design ideas to make yours stand apart.

  1. Table Flyer: Combining a flyer design with a tent card form is a creative solution in itself. You can draw attention to tantalizing dishes (or another product if you aren’t in the food industry). Use some interesting fonts and a mix of colors to complement your brand’s display.
  2. Pyramid Cards: Ancient and long-lasting is what comes to mind when one thinks of a pyramid. So, if your business has been in operation for a long and promises durability and long-term relationships with clients, this one should be on your list.
  3. Geometric Shapes: A geometric shape such as a hexagon kept on the table appears as a playful yet informative piece to the eyes. On the design front, you can go well with using only primary shades.
  4. Magical Cuts: Going beyond the basics of table tents, you can add a magical touch to your design. Go for shapes cut out to display your top-rated products or add some pop-up functionality that brings up the product otherwise displaying the required information.

This list is just the beginning and you can find numerous design ideas with commercial printers in Brisbane to add creativity to your brand’s print marketing efforts.

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