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Traffic Regulation And Speed Bumps

Street speed bumps are intended to force vehicles to slow down dramatically in order to safely go over them, known as traffic calming features. The elevated road surface is a hump in the road with heights usually varying between three and four inches, placed around the entire highway, with a gap on each side for drainage. You can get the best speed bumps made by clicking at-

Traffic Calming Road Surface Markings – Pavement Surface Coatings

Improper speed humps: Causing casualties, revealing arbitrariness COUNTERVIEW.ORG

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Usually, the diameter of the bumps is less than one foot. The bumps act as a warning to drivers to track their speed and make it difficult to drive through the places in which traffic control features have been placed so quickly. 

Industrial speed bumps tend to be bigger and constructed of high-impact materials such as concrete or asphalt, on sidewalks and in parking lots. In embedded fluorescent tape or highly recognizable shades of paint, such as yellow or green, they may have stripes or the whole surface painted. 

This form of traffic control feature is used in suburban areas to decrease the pace at which the motor vehicle drives in heavy traffic or areas that have experienced issues with racing or other traffic-related problems. Usually, these bumps are smaller in size and made of materials with a lower effect, such as recycled rubber or plastic. 

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