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Myths About Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Despite the growing popularity of laser hair removal, there are some myths about the procedure that still do not allow many candidates to opt for laser treatment. If you are also unsure whether to choose this procedure or not, you can change your mind about laser treatment. You can search the internet for "best laser hair removal in Hong Kong" and visit a clinic to clear your doubts,

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Here are some common myths and extreme facts about laser hair removal:

Myth 1: Laser hair removal is recommended during pregnancy

Fact: There is no evidence that laser hair removal is harmful to pregnant women. The effect of the laser on infants is unknown. This is why doctors recommend that pregnant women wait until they give birth.

Myth 2: Lasers can cause skin cancer

Fact: This is an unfounded and exaggerated myth about lasers. As noted above, the laser is very safe and has FDA approval. There are no studies showing that laser hair removal is linked to skin cancer.

Myth 3: One laser session is enough

Fact: Like any non-invasive cosmetic procedure, laser hair removal takes several sessions to get the results you want. On average, 4 to 6 sessions are required for permanent hair removal.

Myth 4: The results of laser hair removal are permanent

Fact: Lasers don't remove hair permanently; In fact, they reduce hair growth. However, it is possible that the hair will grow back after treatment, but it is fine and thin.

Myth 5: This is an expensive process

Fact: Laser hair removal can be a little expensive, but only until the average person can afford it. In addition, the cost of treatment varies greatly from person to person and from provider to provider.

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