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Learn About Glass Painting Designs

For a glass paint birthday card, you will find everything you need to get started in this trendy hobby. There are two different styles of glass paint: water and waterless. They both have various color options and can be mixed across their entire gamut.

When applying an outline, you can choose one of three different ways while painting your birthday card: You can find glass painting supplies online.

Glass Coated Paint Stickers – Perfect for glass painting beginners and best applied to flat, even surfaces. Starting from one corner, slowly peel off the sticker, being careful not to stretch or bend it, and apply it to the clean glass surface area of your birthday card.

Glass Contour Paint – This will give you an outline and the eyeliner needs to be squeezed out of the tube. They are available in various colors. They can be applied as an outline for your design before paint is applied or spread over a painted surface as fine detail.

Head Tape – Windows and doors generally require this type of liner.

Before starting to paint, make sure there are no specifications for dust and grease on the glass area of the birthday card, thus ensuring good compliance. Take advantage of solvents, such as white alcohols or methylated alcohols.

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