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All About Examining Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are the most common cause of anal pathology. Hemorrhoids can cause swelling of the blood vessels around the anus, lower rectum, and anus. These vessels are similar to varicose veins on the legs. Patients and doctors alike blame hemorrhoids for almost any anorectal problem. 

You can also buy proktis-m suppository online for the treatment of hemorrhoids. As the term "hemorrhoid", it refers to both normal anatomical as well as pathological structures, confusion is common. Hemorrhoids can be discovered by people in many ways. The hemorrhoids can be felt when the person spits out after a bowel movement or when there are blood drops in their toilet paper. 

Hemorrhoids: Diagnosis and Treatment Options - American Family Physician

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Other symptoms include severe anal pain that occurs when external hemorrhoids thrombosis. Itching sensations and discomforts are common. Hemorrhoids can also be caused by other anal conditions than hemorrhoids. 

Hemorrhoids can be seen most commonly in people with hemorrhoids. It is possible to have hemorrhoids and other anal conditions together.

A physician can diagnose hemorrhoids based on the history of symptoms. He must still try to diagnose hemorrhoids. It is important to exclude any other conditions that are hemorrhoid-like and require different treatment.

Anal fissures and fistulae are also possible. All of these can be diagnosed by careful examination of the anus, anal canal, and surrounding tissues. Biopsies of the skin can be done if necessary to diagnose skin conditions. Scraping can also be done on the anus for any infections.

External hemorrhoids are characterized by bumps and darkened areas around the anus. Tenderness is indicated when the lump becomes thrombosed. It is important to carefully examine any lump and not assume that it is a hemorrhoid. 

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