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Water Conservation Using Half Pool Covers

Every year, swimming pools are losing milliards of Gallons of freshwater that could be conserved. This paper discusses the issues that are posed by the use of full covers for pools and how half-covers are the best solution for water conservation.

It is acknowledged that covers for pools reduce the amount of water that evaporates by as much as 95%, but less than 30% of pools have a cover. The present limitations of complete covers for the largest portion boil down to two main issues. You can also buy pool covers via

First, the full covers can be difficult to store. The covers are large and have to be available in sizes 50 or greater that require a large area of floor space to keep covers in stock for the numerous sizes for pools. If a size is out of inventory, the buyer must be patient until the store orders the cover with a new truckload. 

Inspiring the industry to offer half covers allows more pool owners than ever before to cover their pool. 

This method that uses half covers transforms the method by which covers are stockpiled and distributed, avoiding excessive shipping costs and also enabling dealers to keep covers on hand so that pool owners don't leave empty and empty-handed. 

However, as the current situation stands only those pools that can accommodate a deck reel will have an option for taking the covers off and onto the pool. It's similar to having inventing breakthrough inflatable rubber tires for the automobile industry, but not a lifting device to take them off 70% of automobiles.

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