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How To Choose The Best Auto Top Off System For Your Aquarium

There is no single method for selecting your auto top off system. However, with the help of this manual, you can determine which system is suitable for your setup and which functions you require.

Start With Sensors

This is the essence of your auto-recharge system. You have different types of sensors available. So let's take a look at your options. You can also buy an auto-off system for your aquarium through

Move The Cursor

Original sensors are cheap and your only option with moving parts. The floating switch sensor is simple and efficient and uses a floating magnet to open and close the circuit as your water level changes. The Downside Is That They Tend To Jam.

Small marine animals like snails can sometimes climb over your swimmer and prevent him from showing your water level properly. Calcium and algae can build up and prevent swimmers from moving, causing them to fail.

And because it's a magnet, anyone around can interfere. Do not be shy. Most of the newer models offer a solution to this problem, such as use of a replacement plastic filter or float switch to prevent damage.

Optical Sensor

Optical sensors are less prone to false readings or damage because there are no moving parts. They are prism-shaped water level sensors.

Here's How it works:

If there is no liquid, an infrared LED is passed through the prism to the light receiver to activate the pump. As soon as your water level rises, the light can no longer reach the sensor – the pump will stop.

Temperature Sensor

ATO systems with temperature sensors are reliable and have no moving parts. They are much smaller than others. So when you work, there is very little space.

Here's How it works:

After the probe is immersed, it cools the sensor. When your water level drops below the probe, it heats up and activates the pump.

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