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Different Types of Apartments in UBC

There are many types of apartments and it is important to know about all of them. These different apartments have been listed and explained below.


A convertible apartment is an apartment that features a space that is large enough to be walled off and it can be used as a bedroom or a dining area. Take, for instance, a convertible two-bedroom apartment is a place that already has a very large bedroom as well as an area that can be walled off in order to create a second bedroom for the users.

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A studio is a single room that has a full bathroom and also a kitchen. It can also have an alcove for the purpose of dining and/or dressing.


A loft is a one large room that is usually located in a particular building that is used for purposes that range from residential to commercial purposes. This also comes with relatively high ceilings and also windows. A loft can in turn present something that ranges from a studio to three bedrooms. This is also specified at the outset itself.

A garden apartment

A garden apartment is an apartment that has access to a garden. In case you have one of these, you can have a majority of visitors in the coming summers. This term can also mean that it is a basement level apartment. This is mainly because the apartment is very partially below the ground level and the windows will be much higher up when on the walls. Before you actually visit the apartment, you must also verify that it is meant mainly for the garden apartment.

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