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Why Foodservice Is The Most Lucrative Business

Foodservice is the business of providing food and beverage to customers in a restaurant, cafeteria, bakery, or other commercial setting. In 2013, foodservice businesses employed over 13 million people and generated more than $700 billion in revenue.

The most lucrative part of the foodservice industry is the catering and event services segment. This sector accounted for 58% of all foodservice revenue in 2013. Catering services typically involve preparing and serving food at a customer’s event, while event services include planning and organizing an event. You can get the food service in bulk via

Foodservice is one of the most lucrative industries, and with good reason. Not only does this industry have a high demand for skilled workers, but it also offers an opportunity to work in a variety of settings. In addition, foodservice businesses are constantly innovating and expanding their offerings, which means that there is always room for new employees. 

Some of the top reasons why foodservice is so lucrative include: 

The high demand for skilled workers: Foodservice businesses are always looking for talented employees, and the market for these employees is particularly strong right now. There are plenty of opportunities to find work as a cook, waiter or waitress, or in related positions.

Variety of settings: Foodservice businesses can be found in both large and small cities, as well as rural areas. This means that there is always a chance to find a job that fits your preferences and lifestyle.

The main drivers of growth for the foodservice industry are population growth, increasing consumer spending, and globalization. The industry is also benefiting from technological advances that are making it easier to operate restaurants and handle orders electronically.

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